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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 29 years

I have a strange problem and wanna ask something that when I eat onion,carrot,cucumber and radish as salad, I get headache which is severe and doesn't go until I use analgesic. Why does it happen?

Asked for Female, 36 years

Dear Drs.. It started to pain on the right side of my stomach tonight when I was sleeping. Pain increased with breathing and eventually disapeared in the morning.. What was it? Why did it happen? Why was pain increasing while breathing? Thank you

Asked for Male, 29 years

Hi...I have been facing severe pain in my anus from few months...it always lasted for some seconds but today it was worst.I was sitting on chair annd when it started i could not move. it was too much pain..I tried to walk but I couldn't... walking around was causing more pain. somehow I managed to get to bathroom..I tried to poop so that I could get some relief..it was very hard to poop but it has lessened the pain but it is not gone. I don't have constipation problem.

Asked for Male, 30 years

Hello I have reduced 24 kg in natural way with dieting and exercises without using any medicine now my weight is 64 kg but now I am facing weight loss plateau despite of dieting 45 minutes walk I am not able to move Tha scale backward again trying to reduce 10 kg more what would you suggest me how effective detox will be for me someone suggested me this medicine for weight loss should I use it

Asked for Male, 31 years

I have pain in my left hand since somedays actually I have a habit of sleeping on left hand when I wake up it’s hurting not full hand only shoulder ka necha wala part ka back side and when I do some work it’s also hurt I’m breastfeeding mom and over weight too my height is 5.1 and weight is 83 already taken sea cal and cobalmin

Asked for Female, 36 years

My sis is facing a problem since couple of months. She is mother of 3 kids. She always feels dizziness, burden on head and absent mindness. She gets enough sleep but feels unrested. Please advise should we consult Neurosurgeon or someone else.

Asked for Female, 29 years

Aoa. A year ago i had severe kind of stomach infection. And after that for.a month i took very little portions of diet.because of which i lost weight from 59 kg to about 51 kg. Currently, I am 51 kg. But since then i am not able to gain weight. Kindly guide me as to how should I gain weight. Actually I want to gain some weight like around 55 kg but in a healthy way by taking healthy diet. I dont take junk

Asked for Male, 32 years

I am having a problem of Water retention in my body, thats why i am gaining weight, fatigue, joint pain, getc... plz advice any medicine, i went for many doctors but couldn't get the solution... Regards

Asked for Female, 34 years

I am obese, my blood pressure & sugar are normal though. From past few months, I've been having mild pain in my right kidney, sometimes in left kidney as well. The pain persist for less than a minute usually. I also suffer from spermatorrhea. I dont know if i have kidney stone or kidney infection. Before visiting a Nephrologist, what tests should I undergo for review of Nephrologist e.g. Kidney Ultra sound, Urine test, blood test etc. Kindly tell exactly which tests should I take?

Asked for Female, 39 years

Whenever having temperature, there is redness in skin on body in spots. there it has some hardness on reddish area. It becomes okay in 3 day approx. Why it happens? What to do? How to avoid in future?

Asked for Female, 46 years

My eye sight is very weak and the number is minus 14. i want to implant lens and i am interested in lens replacement. what is the cost of my required operation approximately? i feel a lot of strain in my eyes while working on computer for 8 hours. after lens replacement i feel less strain in my eyes while working on computer?

Asked for Female, 41 years

I am suffering from throat infection around 18 years and every consultant gives me antibiotics for relief shortly but after some time still same illness and now contion is that little bit blood is come when I spit each time. Pls advice

Asked for Female, 36 years

AOA all doctors.My age is 30 and have extreme vitamin D deficiency.I have started using Vitamin D injections weekly along with multivitamin (Once a day women).Along with that have started drinking two glasses of Nestle nesvita milk and an egg one day after an another. Will this increase my calcium and Vitmain D level?

Asked for Female, 37 years

Best multivitamin for women ? Which can be taken on daily basis to curb weakness and which is available in Pakistan too. Thank you in advance.

Asked for Female, 33 years

If any women is diabetic is she will deliver abnormal child. Please guide me i m TTC and I m diabetic too. Very much worried after hearing this. Kindly help me?

Asked for Female, 45 years

Age of the women is 39! Pain in lower abdomen and goes till knee but there is no pain in knee! Stool donot pass properly! But when wind passes the intense pain reduces! Kindly guide us about the cause and about proper treatment! Thank You in advance !

Asked for Female, 34 years

Hypothyroid effects more fertility of a women or hyperthyroid? And how many chances are there to get pregnant for a thyroid patient who has a complete thyroid removel?

Asked for Female, 33 years

Assalam o alaikum My issue is that my son is 9 months old n before the birth of my son I had glowing normal skin n i never faced any kind of allergy or acne or pimple problem but after the birth of my son I am facing severe type of allergy or somewhat dryness. Having dryness patches on my head even I can't wear bangles n my son is also facing dryness

Asked for Male, 20 years

Assalamo alaikum..my son age 14 yrs old ..facing this type of pimples.first they were on his shoulder.then they are spreading all over the face.pics will be attached in comments.thanks in advance

Asked for Male, 10 years

My 4 years old son and 6 years old daughter are having too much smell in his mouth with breath can anyone suggest me the solution.... They both brush Teeths twice a day

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